Well that would depend upon how the scriptures are being interpreted. According to the teachings of the apostles, the answer is yes, the world is coming to an end. But the question is now, “which world is coming to an end? The world ends in the truth. “The world” in reference is the world [...]
Not long ago, I shared with a small group a spiritual educational experience. {In a dream, an Elder appeared to me and handed me a folded lined college writing paper (but when I opened it, the inside page was lined with dashed lines in-between top and bottom lines, like teaching first graders how to print [...]
A few years ago I was in an airport waiting for my flight, back to Phoenix. As I approached the seating area I noticed an elderly lady crocheting. She started to tell me all about her church and how their supporting christian elementary schools in Costa Rica. Then she turned and ask me if [...]
I’d like to share a conversation I had with a Christian woman (her name is Debbie), concerning a dream she had. She is a faithful member of a Christian Church in the east valley of Phoenix Arizona. She told me she had never told anyone her dream experience and had kept it to herself for [...]