In attending a weekly bible study class sponsored by our local church, The Spirit of Hope Lutheran Church; we meet at 6:30am each Thursday morning. Recently our lesson reviewed the reaction of Thomas when he first saw (witnessed) the risen Jesus, found in the gospel of John. John Chapter 20: 25. The other disciples therefore [...]
Personal Spiritual Experience
HELP Me, God! LORD, help me! Three words spoken out of the honesty of my heart, like a man in deep despair. A bit of background that brought me to this prayer. This prayer was working silently in my thoughts for some weeks, perhaps even some months before I verbalized it. During this period, I [...]
Speak that which is right, not what is convenient. Speak that which edifies, not what condemns. Speak forth Truth, it will kiss the son within me and bring forth a new born child, it will bring forth the firstfruit of my increase, which my God will receive into himself. Yes, speak that which is right [...]
Not long ago, I shared with a small group a spiritual educational experience. {In a dream, an Elder appeared to me and handed me a folded lined college writing paper (but when I opened it, the inside page was lined with dashed lines in-between top and bottom lines, like teaching first graders how to print [...]